EU and extra-EU labelling
Often claims on food labels are seen as an obstacle to the growth-potential of a product but claims and mandatory information on labels should become valuable allies in your marketing strategies.
UE Labelling
EU Regulation No 1169/2011 on Food labelling entered into force on December 14th 2014
EU Regulation No 1169/2011 on Food labelling entered into force on December 14th 2014. Quality procedures can go hands in hands with marketing strategies and be the key-features of your business. Mandatory information on labels, nutrition information and claims can be turned into a powerful tool and make a statement, both to your dealers and customers, about your business goals, your product’s history and how much care you put in your job.
When communicating these topics, staying current on relevant regulations is crucial as well as fully align your activities with the market’s needs.
We can design new labels for your goods, either translating or redesigning the original labels, according to your marketing strategies: we can turn your need for products-compliance into an occasion to make your brand stronger!
Nowadays global markets are opening to emerging economies and Arab countries. If your company is dealing with trade activities with Italy and Europe – or if your goal is to open your export to Extra-EU countries – you should rely on a deep knowledge of the national and international regulatory field and of the certification procedures.
TRUSTiCERT can provide comprehensive technical support in designing new labels for your goods, translating or redesigning the original labels to be fitted for foreign markets, keeping in mind your marketing strategies.
Global marketing dynamics trends require companies to continue investing in innovation and research and in development strategies to offer better services.
To rely on a partner who constantly follows you means being able to grow together, looking for the best tailor made solutions for your company, ensuring that it always respects the highest quality standards.
Through annual consultancy we can better understand your business needs, and offer you constant and completely personalized regulatory technical support, which also includes training for internal resources, updating on new regulations and telephone assistance for any doubts.
TDS – Technical Data Sheets in food products is becoming a critical success-factor not only when a new product is introduced in the market but also to ensure good commercial relations among producers and distributors. We can take complete care of developing your products’ TDSs and ensure that incoming and outgoing data-sheets are compliant to standards.
We will take you through all the steps, from physical and chemical analysis to certification process (we can deal with Kosher and Halal certifying bodies on your behalf) and assess along with you the best solutions for your business and exports requirements. TDS translation service is available as for the labelling service.
The ingredients list must provide consumers with allergen information (among others) and must clearly state the presence of allergenic ingredients, even just trace-amounts or due to cross-contamination.
Nowaday there is a great concern about the presence of allergens in the final food and there is an increased need to provide clear and easily-accessible information to a large number of consumers. At the same time, tolerance towards mistakes eventually made by food-market dealers and restaurants, has decreased while they are expected to fulfil legal obligations. We offer a complete support both in creating your ingredients list or in updating the list once your menu will be updated or enriched.